Friday, December 2, 2011

It's not Christmas yet?

Surprisingly, I really enjoyed this week’s music event.  Normally the music event is really boring but this week it was Christmas music, which is always nice, at least for me.  My friend and I started by going out and trying to find residents to come to the show.  Most people weren’t interested which isn’t good because then there aren’t a lot of people there.  We began to notice that if you tell the residents WHO is performing they want to come.  Apparently the singer there is like a celebrity to them (she also sings at the church services at the Veterans Home).  We also thought it was exciting that it was Christmas music so we tried to get the residents excited about it too.  Everyone kept telling us that it was too early for Christmas music and some even said it wasn’t even Thanksgiving yet.  This made me sad because it made me question if they got to have anything special for Thanksgiving. 
            When we were roaming the halls looking for people to come we ran into my buddy from black jack.  We asked him if he was going to come and he said he would and that I better come next week for black jack again.  I told him I would and I’m actually pretty excited about it.  He is such a sweet man.  When my friend and I returned to the concert he was there, as promised, so we sat by him.  During the middle of the concert he asked me to dance with him to one of the Christmas songs.  I felt a little uncomfortable at first but it was just like dancing with my grandpa so it was okay.  It really made him happy and he thanked me for dancing with him.  When it was time to leave he kissed both my friend and me on the cheek.  Jokingly the guy working that night asked if he could have a kiss too.  It was really funny and a good time at the Veterans Home, I’m looking forward to next week.